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The ONLY Little League in SCV

The ONLY Little League in SCV




(Revised 01/30/2023)


All CCLL games will be played according to the “Official Regulations & Playing Rules” as follows:


              Major, Intermediate & Junior Baseball                     Little League Rule Book

              Minor and Farm Baseball, Rookie & Tee-Ball    Little League Rule Book

              Major and Junior Softball                                           Little League Softball Rule Book

              Minor and Farm Softball                                             Little League Softball Rule Book


The only exceptions or additions to the Williamsport rules are covered in these local rules.  Updated rule changes from Little League Baseball, for both Tournament and Regular Season, can be found at


Section 1 – General Rules

A. Time limit will commence from the scheduled starting time.  No new inning will begin after the time limit has elapsed.  The inning in progress will be completed unless a time to end play is indicated.

            Time limits:

●      Junior and Intermediate Baseball: No new inning after 2 hours and 15 minutes. 

●     The game ends at 2 hours 30 minutes. Both subject to District division committee review.

●      Major Baseball: No time limit       

Time Limits: (Below applies to all games in T-ball, Rookie, Farm and Minor divisions)           

●       Minor Baseball:  No new inning after 2 hours and 05 minutes, Drop dead time of 2:15.

6 innings maximum for regular season games, regular season games can and will end in a tie if the time limit or 6 innings is reached with the score being tied, games can end in less than 4 innings if the time limit is reached and will be considered a complete game. Playoffs, TBD.

●       Farm Baseball: Game ends at 1:30 hours.

●       Rookie Baseball: Game ends at 1:30 hours 

●       Tee Ball Game ends at 90 minutes or 3 innings 

B. Non-regulation games in competitive divisions which must be replayed will be rescheduled after proper notification by the scheduler.  Games will normally be rescheduled on the second Sunday, or open field date during that week, following the aborted game.  Absent players will not be sufficient ground for rescheduling.

C. The official scorekeeper will serve as the pitch count recorder. Manager / coaches are encouraged to ask for pitch counts between half innings only. Official score keepers are to be in the score booth.

D.   Every player is in batting lineup (bat around) all divisions.  

E. General and safety related rules.

1.       At all times the manager must carry with them their player medical release forms and Safety Manual (electronic version).

2.       The manager is responsible for having volunteer applications on file with the League for all coaches and team parents. 

3.       Accurate, up-to-date pitching affidavits are required in all divisions.  Without the correct affidavit the manager is not to be allowed his/her managing privileges before and during said game.  A second violation of this rule will result in the manager’s suspension until they appear before the Executive Board. Both managers shall sign both the official scorebook and the master copy of the pitching affidavit at the end of the game. Continued noncompliance could result in further action as manager game suspension and/or disqualification from M.S.T.O.C. participation.

4.       The CCLL Safety Manual, and any updates, shall be followed at all times. Violation shall result in a one game suspension.  A second violation of this rule will result in the manager’s suspension until they appear before the Executive Board

5.       No live batting practice of baseballs/softballs/t-balls/ is permitted on the field prior to the game.  Live hitting is permitted in the batting cages up to 20 minutes prior to the game time on field 4. Fields 3 and 5 are to follow the pre-game reminders listed.  Live hitting in the cages while any game is in progress is prohibited at all teams.  Pitchers warming up for a game in progress have priority for cage usage.  No live batting practice is allowed while any game is in progress.  Both teams are expected to share equally the use of the cages prior to game start.

G. The following behavior will result in ejection from the game in progress and suspension from the next game that the player, manager, or coach attends.

1) Abuse of equipment            

2) Abusive language  

3) Fighting or attempting to fight

4) Abuse of Umpire

                         NOTE: The Board may elect to impose additional penalties.

H. No forfeits are allowed in Tee Ball, Rookie, or Farm.  In these divisions, games may be played with 8 or fewer players.  Players may be borrowed from the opposing team.

I. Umpire will pick up game balls from designated area.  Home team shall also have up to 2 alternate balls available to be used at the umpire's discretion. 

J. For Divisions that Interlock, the Home Field Local Rules will take precedence over any rules stated here for all games played outside of CCLL.

K.  In the non-competitive divisions, Farm and Rookie, if a team has a lineup of 14 players and the opposing team has at least 10 players, it will be ok for both teams to field 4 outfielders during the game. 

L. Use of an altered or illegal bat that is not listed by Little League as having been approved will result in disciplinary actions as stated in the official rule book.  It is suggested that the manager carry proof of Little League approved bats used by his team.  This could be a printout from the list of approved bats on the Little League web site. Only bats with the USA logo are approved for the 2023 season. BBCOR bats are allowed in the intermediate and junior divisions.

M.  In accordance with rule 6.02(C), the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat exceptions apply as per “Official Regulations & Playing Rules”.  Penalty: First time is a warning, subsequent infraction will result in a strike being called.

N. Use of an altered or illegal batting helmet that is not listed by Little League as having been approved will not be allowed. It is suggested that the manager carry proof of Little League approved helmet with a "Face shield/chin guard" used by his team.  This could be a printout from the manufacturer of the approved helmets on the Little League web site. Our website has additional information as well.

SECTION 2 - Rules by Divisions

Tee Ball:

1.       Teams will bat all players each inning and will rotate their line-ups each game, so the same player is not always the last batter.  The offensive manager, or coach, will control play and act as umpire.

2.       All players must be given a defensive position, but only six (6) including pitcher and catcher may be in the infield.

3.       There will be no strikeouts.

4.       The ball is foul if it travels less than nine (9) feet in fair territory from home plate.  The nine (9) foot area corresponds to the dirt area around home plate.

5.       When the last batter of the inning is batting, the inning can be ended by making the natural play on any runner.

6.       During the second half of the season, each batter may receive five (5) pitches from his team’s coach or manager.  If the batter fails to hit a pitch, he will then bat off the tee.

7.       If a catcher, the catcher must wear a batting helmet with face guard.

8.       Runners may advance only one (1) base on an overthrow.

9.       The defensive team may have up to two approved volunteer adults in the outfield as coaches.

Rookie Baseball:

1.       All players will be in the batting line-up.

2.       Free substitution is allowed.  No player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning.

3.       A team’s half inning is complete according to Rule 5.07.  Since CCLL adopts a rule in which the offense bats through the order, the side is retired when three (3) offensive players are legally put out, or when all players on the roster have batted one time in the half-inning or the team scores five (5) runs.

4.       A pitching machine will be used.

5.       Each batter will receive a maximum of 5 pitches to hit the ball.  However, the batter may continue batting after the 5th pitch, as long as he continues to hit foul balls.

6.       A manager or coach from the defensive team will run the pitching machine and act as umpire. No other defensive manager/coaches will be allowed on the field after the first half of the season. A manager or coach may help the catcher and retrieve the balls after a player’s at bat as long as he/she are out of the batter’s sight.

7.       If a batted ball hits the pitching machine, it is a dead ball.  If a batted ball is hit in the vicinity of the pitching machine (pitcher’s circle), and in the judgment of the umpire, poses a hazard to defensive players going after the ball, the umpire shall declare a dead ball.

8.       There will be no base stealing.  Base runners may only advance when the ball is batted.

9.       Runners may advance only one (1) base on an overthrow.

10.    There shall be no scorebooks allowed on the field of play.

Farm Baseball:

1.       All players will be in the batting line-up.

2.       Free substitution is allowed.  No player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning.

3.       A team’s half inning is complete according to Rule 5.07.  Since CCLL adopts a rule in which the offense bats through the order, the side is retired when three (3) offensive players are legally put out, or when all players on the roster have batted one time in the half-inning or scores five (5) runs.   CCLL adopts the option in Rule 5.07 that suspends the 5 run rule in the 6th inning only of the game.  Once suspended, the rule is suspended for the remainder of the game (i.e. extra innings) Note: Half-inning will end when 3 outs are recorded, or the offensive team has batted one time through the line-up."

4.       There will be no base stealing.  Base runners may only advance when the ball is batted.

5.       A pitcher may pitch a maximum of two (2) innings per game or fifty (50) pitches maximum, whichever comes first.

6.       There will be no walks per inning for the team at bat. Upon the 4th ball, the coach or manager of the offensive team will pitch to the batter until he hits the ball or strikes out.  These pitches must be thrown overhand near the pitching rubber. The batter’s strike count will continue when the coach or manager pitches, and the batter can strike out. No "T" allowed.

7.       Runners may advance only one (1) base on an overthrow.

Minor Baseball

1.       All players will be in the batting line-up.

2.       Each team must have 9 players to begin and end a game.

3.       Free substitution is allowed.  No player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning.

4.       A team’s half inning is complete according to Rule 5.07.  Since CCLL adopts a rule in       

which the offense bats through the order, the side is retired when three (3) offensive players are legally put out, or when all players on the roster have batted one time in the half-inning or scores five (5) runs.   CCLL adopts the option in Rule 5.07 that suspends the 5 run rule in the 6th inning only of the game.  Once suspended, the rule is suspended for the remainder of the game (i.e. extra innings) Note: Half-inning will end when 3 outs are recorded, or the offensive team has batted one time through the line-up."

5.       This division will be a competitive division with standings kept. There will be a double elimination playoff. The winner of the divisional playoff will advance to District Minors MSTOC, based on Board approval. 

Major Baseball:

1.       All players will be in the batting line-up.

2.       Each team must have 9 players to begin and end a game.

3.       Free substitution is allowed.  No player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning.

4.       This division will be a competitive division with standings kept. There will be a double elimination playoff. The winner of the divisional playoff will advance to District Minors MSTOC, based on Board approval.

5.       The Final standings after the playoffs will determine the draft order of the following season. 

Junior and Intermediate Baseball:

1.       All players will be in the batting line-up.

2.       Free substitution is allowed.  No player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning.

3.       A player who has attained a league age of fifteen (15) is eligible to pitch in Junior Baseball. Pending confirmation with other teams/leagues.

4.       A ball hitting over the yellow fencing cap on the fly and between the left and right foul poles will be considered a home run.        

Farm, Minor, Major, and Junior Softball:

1.       Please refer to District 40 softball rules for 2017 and “Official Regulations & Playing Rules”

SECTION 3 – Championship / Playoffs / Tournaments

Standings will be kept only for Minor, Major, Intermediate and Junior baseball.  There are no standings kept for Rookie, Farm or T-ball divisions.

Division Champion:  Regular season standings will determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place team in each division.  In the event of a tie, playoff games will determine the winner.  For the Major division, the order of standings after playoffs will determine the draft order for the following year according to the rule book.

District 40 Tournament Team:  An end of season double elimination in-house tournament will determine the team that will advance to District 40 postseason tournament (NOT ALL STARS).  Seeding for the in-house tournament will be based upon the standings of each team.  If there is not enough time for this tournament before the district tournament, there will be a one game play-off between the top two teams.  It may be possible that the champion team in any division is not the team sent to the district tournament. 

Team Records: (Does not apply to interlock games)

1.       Win equals 1 point

2.       Loss equals 0 points

3.       Ties equal ½ point if the game is not completed

4.       Umpire assignment points, 3 maximum per team, pending.

Tie Breaker System for Seeding Purposes:

1.       Head-to-head

2.       Runs against/allowed versus each other


 All protests must be handled in accordance with rule 4.19 of the" Official Regulations & Playing Rules”.  No protests in Tee Ball, Rookie, or Farm. 



In the competitive divisions the visiting and home teams should adhere to the following pre-game schedule.  This is important in order to give each team an equal amount of pre-game warm up on the field and in the batting cages.

45 minutes prior

Both teams use the outfield for arm warm up, no infield. A Certified adult must be present on the field.

30 minutes prior

Visiting team has the playing field for infield and outfield warm up.

Home team has the cage(s) for batting.

20 minutes prior

Visiting team has the cage(s) for batting.

Home team has the field for infield and outfield warm up.

10 minutes prior

All teams in dugout and bleachers areas (warm up of pitchers is permitted in the cages or warm up areas by players only)

The Home Team:

Is responsible for chalk/spraying of the foul lines and batter's boxes.

Provide official score keeper, in the scorer’s box.

Cleaning out of their dugouts and spectator seating areas.

The Visiting Team:

Is responsible for raking and dragging the infield, mound, and plate area. Including the wetting down of the areas.

If the Visiting team is a non-CCLL team, this falls to the Home team.

If a team consistently fails to do so at the conclusion of the games, that team will lose practice time on the field.

Cleaning out of their dugouts and spectator seating areas.

ALL teams are responsible for dragging and clean up at the conclusion of a practice, even when another team is following yours. Please give them the courtesy of a clean field as you had.

Pitching Affidavits MUST be present and filled out in ink at all games. Continued noncompliance could result in further action as manager game suspension and/or disqualification from M.S.T.O.C. participation.

Pool Players:

This is administrated by the division player agent. If a team cannot field 9 players at the start of the game, they may borrow (2 maximum) from the same division or below (no league age 11 for juniors) (or the opposing team to play the outfield only, no batting, players can be rotated)

Pool players are prohibited from playing key positions (infield). 24-hour notice required.

Pool players not of the opposing team must be placed at the bottom of the batting line up.

No Pool players allowed in a playoff game.

Minimum Players:

9 players are needed to start and continue a game. If a game cannot be started within 10 minutes from the scheduled start time of the of the game because either team is unable to place 9 players on the field and in the batting line up, the game is to be officially declared a forfeit, minors and above. The game can be played as a practice game without an Umpire.

Rule 4.10

This would revise the run rule for all divisions of play during the regular season, adding an additional condition in which, if after five (5) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: six innings], four and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: five and one-half innings], if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of eight (8) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

  • If after (3) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: four innings], two and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: three and one-half innings] if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after four (4) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: five innings], three and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: four and one-half innings], if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after five (5) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: six innings], four and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: five and one-half innings], if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of eight (8) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.
  • NOTE: (1) If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15), ten (10), or eight (8) runs or more respectively, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. (2) The local league may adopt the option of not utilizing this rule. A game determined by the 15-run rule, 10-run rule, or 8-run rule shall be considered a regulation game.
  • CCLL has opted for not utilizing this rule per board vote on 1/30/23.                                                         


Requires all tournament managers and coaches to complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program (

  • As a condition of eligibility for selection as a tournament team manager/coach, the regular season manager/coach must have also completed the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program ( This program must be completed prior to the individual being named a tournament team manager/coach and before participating in any practices or games. Tournament Team managers/coaches who have completed the program should be prepared to produce the Little League Diamond Leader completion certificate if requested by the District Administrator/Tournament Director.


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